Enter the exciting world of "Yu-Gi-Oh!" with the Pop! Animation of Yami Yugi (Dark King) 9 cm. This figure pays homage to the iconic protagonist of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime and card game, making it an essential item for collectors and fans of the series.
- Size: Standing approximately 3.5" tall, this vinyl figure is perfectly sized to display on shelves, desks, or anywhere you want to show off your passion for "Yu-Gi-Oh!"
- Authentic Design: The figure faithfully portrays Yami Yugi (Dark King), capturing his confident attitude and distinctive attire.
- Window Packaging: The figure is presented in a window packaging box, allowing you to easily display her while maintaining her protection. Furthermore, it is an excellent gift option for Yu-Gi-Oh! fans!
- POP! Series: As part of the popular "POP!" From Funko, this figure is known for its quality and attention to detail.
If you're a dedicated fan of "Yu-Gi-Oh!" and Yami Yugi, the Pop! Animation Yami Yugi (Dark King) is the perfect way to bring a piece of Duel Monsters into your collection. Get your figure and dive into the world of card games and exciting challenges that marked the series.